Now don't get me wrong, they are off the camera and I've even uploaded them to facebook and Flickr. But you see, while we were on holidays I was talking about making a photo album for Mr Man, so the memories will stay with him, and of course one for my husband and I, so we can look at the pictures whenever the mood strikes, and not be hunched over my laptop.
It's a big job though, sifting through hundreds of photos. Which one of Darling son is the best one? Is his smile brighter in #456 or #465 (note 10 pictures of exactly the same shot, only each one taken a second later). The responsibility is too great! I can't decide. Heck, that's why we've got so many darn pictures in the first place.
Part of the problem is that everywhere you turn someone is suggesting you turn those beautiful pictures from your last family holiday into a coffee table book or have that million dollar shot printed on a canvas for all to see when they enter your home. Nowadays you don't subject your family and friends to slide shows of your last holiday, no instead you send them a picture book starring you & your family. Because that's what Uncle Joe wants for Christmas...not so much.